
Bernd, Bernd, born in 1971, gay, positive since 2017
I've fulfilled a dream: I wanted to travel around the world since I was a child. And then all of a sudden it became very possible, over my 45th birthday I fulfilled this dream of my life. A great experience.
But I came back sick: I had actually caught this virus as a "souvenir". Careless and forgot to put the condom in the pocket. Still wanted to. Dumb. avoidable.
But I felt so invulnerable, so invincible, in this, my special year.
I got the result from the test in the pub on Friday evenings. A weekend at home alone, no doctor, no health department, no advice center to ask. My best friend called randomly and she realized after just a few sentences that something was wrong with me. And that's when my exploratory spirit awoke. As a scientist, I just sat down and did my own research.
And I found out very quickly: hey, you now have this virus in you for the rest of my life, but medical research has come a long way. I can live almost normally. I can laugh, dance, party with colleagues, eat from the same bowl with friends, I can love even without a condom, I could even father children if I wanted to without having them carry the virus along their journey through life.
In the coming week, the visits to the Aidshilfe Dresden, the health department and a “specialist doctor” were scheduled. Gather information, get advice, start treatment. And I was really well received everywhere. And what was nice: nobody asked me the “question”. This vulnerable point, how did I catch the virus. No reproach, no embarrassment. Just friendly people who wanted to do the best with me and for me.
When I started my treatment, it was less than two months before the virus was no longer detectable in my blood, the concentration has been so low since then.
Since then I am no longer contagious. I have no side effects at all, and taking the pill is like my little “dessert” for breakfast.
It only plays a minor role in my life. Even with the knowledge of the virus, I have made new friends and a new love is blooming right now.
If there is something that my infection has done to me: I have an increased desire for life. I see a lot of things more “positively”.
I don't want to be trapped in false feelings anymore. I am often more direct in my words and actions than I used to be.
I still want to laugh a lot, love and dance around the world in 80 dances.