
Thomas, born 1977, gay, positive since 2014.
My positive test result was certainly a change in my life, but not in the sense I had initially feared. The worries and fears that ran through my head in the first few minutes turned out to be largely unfounded, and the changes that the diagnosis brought with it are something I wouldn't want to miss today.
A major concern was immediately my partnership, especially as I had to assume straight away that my husband had also been infected, which was confirmed by a rapid test on the same day. Today I know that this challenge we both faced has brought us even closer together. The two of us learned to live with HIV and could always talk about everything from therapy to sex to coming out as positive. Not being alone with the diagnosis helped a lot.
As a teacher on probation, I was very worried about my professional situation, but fortunately my apprehension turned out to be groundless. Today, I can even talk openly about my infection at school and can count on the support by my colleagues.
With friends and family, I can only remember their caring support. In the beginning, I was very cautious about disclosing my positive status, but after many positive experiences I can say for myself that it is good to talk about it and is usually the right decision. And many conversations that I remember particularly well were with people I only met because of my infection.
The fact that I consider the day I tested positive for HIV to be a turning point in the best sense of the word is, of course, the result of a longer process. Today, I am doing so well that the times of doubt and worry are no longer so important, and they are also a part of me, or better yet, a part of us. Because my husband and I have always walked the path together. But maybe the path would have been shorter and easier if I - like you now - had come across this site at the beginning and had a buddy to talk to. So if you need someone, just write to me! I would be happy to be there for you.
Best regards